
Showing posts from September, 2023

Update on Storm!

  Storm has been home for a couple weeks now! He has been gaining weight which means clearing the sand has been successful thankfully.  He is getting pelleted feed ( Tribute ) three times a day. He still has access to hay but is getting most of his intake from the pellets which is easier for him to digest with his teeth.  We would like to thank everyone who has reached out to ask about Storm and how he is doing. We do not ask for donations as we are not a rescue. but I have had enough people ask if there is anything they can do to help Storm or what type of grain/feed does Storm get, that I thought I would include this in the update.  Storm gets Tribute grain/feed Tribute Seniority Pelleted Tribute Kalm Ultra Tribute Senior Sport If you are wanting to Contribute a Monetary gift to storm we do have Venmo, Cash app or PayPal. Text "Storm" to 231-884-9975 and we can provide the details or email We are hoping that you will all get to see Storm out on the trai


  Many of you already have had the opportunity to meet Storm but for those of you who have not, Storm is one of the Original horses, he has been in our family for about 20 years. He is one of the most loving energetic horses. Storm and Buster became instant friends when he came, he has since befriended many of our other horses with Daisy girl being one of his best friends . Storm is now 28 years old but has a young soul. He has been many of yours first horse ride and he has enjoyed each and everyone. We have been struggling with storms weight. Age can be a factor but we knew it wasn’t fully. We did have him checked by our Veterinarian. He had lots of sand per the X-rays taken. (Storm tends to be a scavenger for those little grain pieces that fall. ) and his heaves don’t help. Storm gets treated for his heaves a couple times per year . The hot hot days and dust never help. Anyway we treated with pellets for sand and that didn’t do the trick so we had him checked again along with his sch